Spatial Thinking Skills |
Spatially Thinking Using Township and Range |
Why I Like the Arizona Geographic Alliance |
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 1: Maps and Other Geographic Representations |
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 2: Mental Maps |
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 3: Spatial Analysis |
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 4: Physical and Human Characteristics of Places |
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 5: Regional Geography |
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 6: Perception of Place and Region |
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 7: Physical Processes that Shape the Patterns of Earth's Surface |
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 8: Characteristics and Distribution of Earth's Ecosystems |
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 9: Population Characteristics, Distribution, and Migration of Human Population |
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 10: Characteristics, Distribution, and Complexity of Earth's Cultural Mosaics |
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 11: Economic Interdependence |
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 12: Human Settlement Patterns |
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 13: Political Geography |
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 14: Human Impact on Environment |
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 15: Environment's Effect on Human Settlements |
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 16: Geography of Natural Resources |
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 17: Applying Geography to Interpret the Past |
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 18: Applying Geography to Interpret the Present and Plan for the Future. |
Murals of Tucson: Creating a Google MyMaps Tour |
What is Geography |
Showcasing the Standards -- 3rd Grade |
Primary Sources with a Geographic Lens |
Teaching the 5 Themes of Geography |