Welcome to Our Geographic Literacy Virtual Workshops

In order to reach more educators across our state, the Arizona Geographic Alliance is creating a variety of virtual workshops to enhance the geographic literacy of educators and students. By clicking a link below, you will be taken to a home page for that workshop where you can view the videos, download materials, and/or gain more resources about this topic. This home page will also tell you the grade level suggested for this topic/activity and may include ideas for improving vocabulary acquisition of all students including diverse learners.

We are open to suggestions on future additions to the virtual workshop categories. Please submit your suggestion with an explanation of why this workshop is needed and what you would like to see included in the virtual workshop so the Alliance can make a decision on feasibility. Send suggestions to: azga@asu.edu

Student Geographic Literacy - Classroom Applications
A Historical Look at the Township and Range System in Arizona
Township and Range System in Phoenix
Getting Prepared to Make a School Map
The Importance of Grid
What to Consider When Making a School Map
Pacing--A Simple Way to Measure Your Subject Area
Looking at Pandemics Through the Geographic Lens of the 5 Themes
Mapping Items in Your Subject Area
Educator Geographic Literacy - Tutorials and Resources
Spatial Thinking Skills
Spatially Thinking Using Township and Range
Why I Like the Arizona Geographic Alliance
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 1: Maps and Other Geographic Representations
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 2: Mental Maps
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 3: Spatial Analysis
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 4: Physical and Human Characteristics of Places
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 5: Regional Geography
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 6: Perception of Place and Region
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 7: Physical Processes that Shape the Patterns of Earth's Surface
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 8: Characteristics and Distribution of Earth's Ecosystems
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 9: Population Characteristics, Distribution, and Migration of Human Population
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 10: Characteristics, Distribution, and Complexity of Earth's Cultural Mosaics
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 11: Economic Interdependence
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 12: Human Settlement Patterns
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 13: Political Geography
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 14: Human Impact on Environment
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 15: Environment's Effect on Human Settlements
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 16: Geography of Natural Resources
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 17: Applying Geography to Interpret the Past
National Geography Standards Overview -- Standard 18: Applying Geography to Interpret the Present and Plan for the Future.
Murals of Tucson: Creating a Google MyMaps Tour
What is Geography
Showcasing the Standards -- 3rd Grade
Primary Sources with a Geographic Lens
Teaching the 5 Themes of Geography