Lesson plan

Hot Town--Summer in the City

GeoLiteracy Legacy


In this lesson students will explore Geographic
Inquiry using the topic of urban heat-islands.
Students will apply geographic tools to gather data,
research information, and take informed action.
This process can then be duplicated to look at and
hopefully take action on other problems of their choice.


5 class periods


Gale Olp Ekiss and
Carol Carney Warren


1: How to use maps and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report information
3: How to analyze the spatial organization of people places, and environments on Earth's surface
14: How human actions modify the physical environment
15: How physical systems affect human systems
18: How to apply geography to interpret the present and plan for the future

Teacher Instructions

Materials To Assist Teachers and English Language Learners

Supplemental Files