Lesson plan

Cinderella Around the World & The Five Themes of Geography

GeoLiteracy GeoSTEM ELL


In this lesson, students will explore the places and regions around the world through multicultural Cinderella Stories. While reading the stories, students will not only review literary elements of traditional literature, they will identify the five themes of geography. They will then complete additional research to present their Cinderella stories through a visual representation of the story and its country of origin.This lesson includes strategies for diverse learners (ELLs).


3 class periods




2: How to use mental maps (a person's internalized picture of a part of Earth's surface) to organize information about people places, and environments
3: How to analyze the spatial organization of people places, and environments on Earth's surface
4: The physical and human characteristics of places

Teacher Instructions

Student Materials

Materials To Assist Teachers and English Language Learners

Supplemental Files