Lesson plan

Monsoon Days

GeoLiteracy Legacy


In this lesson students will gain a deeper understanding of Arizona’s monsoon season. They will learn what causes this yearly phenomenon and how to act safely in monsoon storms.


3 class periods


Gale Olp


1: How to use maps and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report information
7: The physical processes that shape the patterns of Earth's surface
10: The characteristics, distribution and complexity of Earth's cultural mosaics

Teacher Instructions

EkissMonsoonT.pdf (103.58 KB)

Student Materials

EkissMonsoonS.pdf (698.56 KB)
Arizona_Monsoon2.pdf (286.19 KB)
Monsoon.pdf (341.17 KB)

Materials To Assist Teachers and English Language Learners

Supplemental Files