Lesson plan

Take Me to the River: The Mojave Indians and the Colorado River

GeoHistory GeoLiteracy Legacy ELL


Students will learn how the Mojave Indians live (past and present) along the Colorado River and learn how the building of a dam can impact one's culture and way of life. This lesson contains adaptations for diverse learners (ELLs).


2 class periods




1: How to use maps and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report information
4: The physical and human characteristics of places
14: How human actions modify the physical environment
17: How to apply geography to interpret the past
18: How to apply geography to interpret the present and plan for the future

Teacher Instructions

JenkinsTakeT.pdf (119.24 KB)

Student Materials

JenkinsTakeS.pdf (303.21 KB)
AZ-DAMS.pdf (0 bytes)
JenkinsTakeHoover.pdf (158.29 KB)
Az-res3.pdf (56.42 KB)

Materials To Assist Teachers and English Language Learners

JenkinsTakeV.pdf (5.27 MB)

Supplemental Files