Lesson plan

Making a Salt Dough Map of Arizona

GeoLiteracy GeoSTEM Legacy


In this lesson, students will gain a better understanding of the 3 regions of Arizona, mountain, plateau, and desert, by using a 3 to 1 ratio to build a 3D map of Arizona.


2 class periods




1: How to use maps and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report information
2: How to use mental maps (a person's internalized picture of a part of Earth's surface) to organize information about people places, and environments
3: How to analyze the spatial organization of people places, and environments on Earth's surface
4: The physical and human characteristics of places

Teacher Instructions

JenkinsRegionsT.pdf (103.4 KB)

Student Materials

JenkinsRegionsS.pdf (151.4 KB)
ArizonaRelief.gif (241.64 KB)
AZTOPO.pdf (0 bytes)
AZLNDFRM_blank.pdf (226.57 KB)
AZLNDFRM.pdf (292.42 KB)

Materials To Assist Teachers and English Language Learners

Supplemental Files