Lesson plan

Yuma “Push and Pull”

GeoHistory GeoLiteracy GeoSTEM Legacy ELL


In this lesson, students will learn about their own families and where they have come from and why they moved to an Arizona city such as Yuma. They will also look at many different historical events that shaped the city of Yuma. By looking at Yuma, Arizona students can begin to look at their own community for such events and changes. This lesson has adaptations for diverse learners (ELLs).


2 class periods




1: How to use maps and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report information
3: How to analyze the spatial organization of people places, and environments on Earth's surface
9: The characteristics, distribution and migration of human populations
17: How to apply geography to interpret the past
18: How to apply geography to interpret the present and plan for the future

Teacher Instructions

HamelYumaT.pdf (118.53 KB)

Student Materials

HamelYumaS.pdf (118.75 KB)
HamelYumaS2.pdf (12.38 MB)

Materials To Assist Teachers and English Language Learners

HamelYumaV.pdf (1.87 MB)
HamelYumaVocTest.pdf (707.42 KB)

Supplemental Files