Lesson plan

Cochineal: The Perfect Red To Dye For

GeoHistory GeoLiteracy Legacy


Red is one of the two top favorite colors of all people. It is the most popular color used on flags. It is the international color for stop. It can symbolize passion, violence, anger and adventure. Red dye was expensive and sought after even in ancient days. Its intense color can come from crushed insects: the cochineal. In this lesson, students will explore the process and the materials used in natural, artisanal dyeing for centuries in Mexico and how a Western Hemisphere insect, the cochineal, once created the world’s most desirable color.


3-4 class periods




4: The physical and human characteristics of places
10: The characteristics, distribution and complexity of Earth's cultural mosaics

Teacher Instructions

JenkinsRedT.pdf (111.28 KB)

Student Materials

Materials To Assist Teachers and English Language Learners

Supplemental Files