Lesson plan

Goin’ with the Flow: Aqueducts and Canals

GeoHistory GeoLiteracy Legacy


In this lesson students will look at the past to learn how humans interact with their environment. They will also focus on how human characteristics of places change from the past to the present. Students will learn about the aqueducts, the water delivery system of the Ancient Romans and compare the aqueducts to an early system in Arizona, the canals of the Ancestral People of the Sonoran Desert.


2 class periods




9: The characteristics, distribution and migration of human populations
12: The processes, patterns, and functions of human settlement
14: How human actions modify the physical environment
17: How to apply geography to interpret the past

Teacher Instructions

Student Materials

World-at.pdf (294.64 KB)
sw-prehistoric.pdf (357.73 KB)

Materials To Assist Teachers and English Language Learners

Supplemental Files