Lesson plan

Steam and You! How Steam Engines Helped the United States to Expand

GeoHistory GeoLiteracy GeoSTEM ELL


In this lesson, students will learn why steam engines were invented, where they were invented, and the basics of how steam engines work. They will learn how the invention of the steam engine promoted the construction of railroads across the United States. As the country expanded westward, many immigrant Americans benefited but many Native Americans were harmed. This lesson contains strategies for diverse learners.


2 class periods




12: The processes, patterns, and functions of human settlement
13: How the forces of cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control of Earth's surface
17: How to apply geography to interpret the past

Teacher Instructions

BradleySteamT.pdf (117.33 KB)

Student Materials

BradleySteamS.pdf (725.62 KB)
World-at.pdf (294.64 KB)

Materials To Assist Teachers and English Language Learners

BradleySteamV.pdf (685.1 KB)

Supplemental Files